Contributed by Allicia Heron, AURA member & 2nd Female in GUMbaBY
GUMBY Backyard Ultra, 24-25 April 2021, Coree District ACT
On a chilly -1 degree morning on 24 April, the Ultra Mediocre Runners of Canberra ran the inaugural GUMBY and GUMbaBY backyard ultras in one of the most beautiful settings in Canberra.
Set high in the mountains at Blue Range Hut campsite, a gathering of runners was happening. Some (like me) knew the end was in 8 hours…others though, did not know when the end would be as they were participating in the full GUMBY, which was a Last One Standing format. Usually, I would have entered that one, however due to an upcoming event I played it smart and entered the ‘baby’ version instead.
Named the GUMbaBY it was the same 6.7km loop of the GUMBY, run on the hour each hour for 8 hours. However, to determine the winner, Lap 8 changed to a first one back is the winner scenario. Such a good idea! Seven 6.7km warm up laps for that one final 6.7km lap to be the only one that counted!
Not having officially participated in an event like this before, I wasn’t too sure what to expect, but I thought, just run but run slowly to save your legs for that one final lap.
It was a gradual climb to around the 4km mark, then downhill for a couple of kilometres. I thought his would be nice- a non-technical loop of a 6.7km fire trail in the mountains of the ACT. I thought anyway.
The first lap was too fast! I got excited and found myself just running…it was comfortable and conversational, yet as I found out after finishing the lap, I had a while until the next lap started. And as it was still likely below zero, my body temperature dropped rather quickly and as I was watching the other runners come in closer to the start time of the next lap, I told myself, “Okay, first lap is done, now you can slow it down.”
All of a sudden we were all at the start line again, ready to complete Lap 2. A slower pace this time, it was good. I found myself really enjoying it, especially through the sunny patches. All of a sudden there were only 2km to go and it was mostly downhill!
“Great,” I thought, time to eat something and wait until the start line again. Laps three and four were much the same as the previous.
Lap five started getting just that bit harder, my legs were beginning to become a bit fatigued, and I looked around and many people were in the same boat. However, for the GUMbaBY’s the end was getting near so we continued on our way to that all important 8th lap!
By the beginning of Lap 7, it started getting cool again. We had had our two hours of warmth, and the sun was beginning to fall behind the trees and casting long, cold shadows. I found myself donning the arm sleeves and buff again for this lap. Once I started though, I regretted my choice as it was too warm! I couldn’t win! Nonetheless, on I trudged. Only one lap left after this one, and it was a “hot lap”.
Gathered back at the start line, there was a buzz of energy and anticipation. Who would go out so fast no one would catch them? Who would go out too fast too soon? Who would just continue how they had all day? We were soon to know! Off we went. One more 6.7km loop!
I was up with the front of the pack, as I had been for the prior laps, but this lap was different, it was fast, and my fatigued legs were not happy with me wanting to go with the pace! I ran up the first hill, then thought I’d walk/jog up the others and sprint the downs to catch up time again. This was working well every other time, so why change it now? The leaders raced off and that was okay. If I could keep everyone else out, I was happy with this! I did just that, and ended up finishing as 2nd Female. Congratulations to the winners and all the participants.
This event was run outstandingly, and for next year I recommend it to anyone wanting to visit Canberra for a run! Whether you want to do the full GUMBY, or the GUMbaBY, it doesn’t matter. Both events are fully recommended! I’ll be doing the GUMBY!
Pictured: Allicia Heron high giving at the end of her GUMbaBY event at the weekend. Photograph – Supplied.