The last six weeks have been action-packed with events across Australia. From Australia’s first 200mi trail event held at Nerang, the return of 6 day racing in Adelaide, Brisbane’s BUTTER 24h track event, the Canberra 105km trail, the Heysen trail race in SA, three new races in WA including the RunningWorks & Haunted Pines ultras, Hume & Hovell in NSW, Washpool , GOW100s & Ned Kelly Chase in Victoria and the AURA long-course championship in Blackall, QLD, there’s been something for everyone! You can review the most recent events results here, or for a complete list of all results, visit our dedicated Australian results site.
Points Competition Update
I’ve updated the points competition recently. Please take a moment to review your results, if any races are not shown or your name is missing, please review the FAQ’s on the points comp page, and get in touch with me if corrections are required.
2019 AURA National Championship events
The following are our 2019 AURA NC events:
From our President Rob Donkersloot regards the Canberra 50km:
I would like to mention that given the issues at the Australian Running Festival 50km in Canberra this year and the feedback received from a number of AURA members, the committee thought long and hard regarding the 50km venue for 2019.
We reviewed the new processes that will be implemented by the race organisers for the 2019 event to ensure a similar issue does not arise, and were happy with those changes. The timing of the ARF event in April is ideal for those seeking to run a qualifier for the 50km World Championships in Romania on 1 September, and we feel this has the potential to attract many of our leading runners to take part in what is likely to be a very exciting and competitive event. If any AURA member wishes to see the changes being implemented by ARF, please email me at
12 months of digital newsletter
We launched the online version of the AURA monthly newsletter in October 2017, meaning we’ve been “online” now for 12 months. A huge thanks to Kate Dzienis, who I think is doing a fantastic job with the newsletters and regular weekly Facebook postings. We are always keen on your feedback — if you have any suggestions for how we’re communicating, please don’t hestitate to get in touch with any of the committee (or Kate directly).
2018 AURA National Champions
Congratulations to the following AURA members who are our 2018 AURA National Champions. You can view a history of the AURA NC events & winners by selecting AURA / Annual Champions from the top menus, or click here.
Title | Event | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
Trail (short) | Two Bays 14/1/18 | Natasha Fraser 4:49:14 | Amelia Griffith 5:10:15 | Bronwyn Young 5:29:56 |
48 Hour | Canberra 48h 16/3/17 | Kerrie Williamson 322.011 km | Cheryl Symons 304.246 km | Annabel Hepworth 276.824 km |
50km | Canberra Ultra Marathon 15/4/18 | Jointly awared to: Larissa Tichon 4:00:11 and Rachel Glasson 4:09:09 | Alena Scurrah 4:28:52 | |
100km | Gold Coast 100 10/6/18 | Emilie Tan 8:33:17 | Barbara Fieberg 8:51:39 | Anya Mullin 10:17:07 |
24 Hour | Adelaide 24h 14/7/1 | Heather Hawkins 171.615 km | Tia Jones 134.200 km | Cherie Rothery 103.400 km |
Trail (long) | Blackall 100 20/10/17 | Carmen Atkinson 12:35:14 | Alena Scurrah 12:50:31 | Chrissy Redwood 12:54:05 |
Title | Event | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
Trail (short) | Two Bays 14/1/18 | Majell Backhausen 4:15:56 | Ashley Bennett 4:30:2 | Kay Bretz 4:36:55 |
48 Hour | Canberra 48h 16/3/17 | Kevin Muller 340.002 km | Luke Mulley 310.456 km | David Billett 284.475 km |
50km | Canberra Ultra Marathon 15/4/18 | Vladimir Shatrov 3:05:12 | Brendan Davies 3:08:42 | Barry Keem 3:11:38 |
100km | Gold Coast 100 10/6/18 | Darryl Hill 7:18:12 | Andrew Heyden 7:37:42 | Kevin Muller 7:53:45 |
24 Hour | Adelaide 24h 14/7/1 | John Yoon 245.603 km | Brendan Davies 224.814 km | Darren Linney 214.665 km |
Trail (long) | Blackall 100 20/10/17 | Daniel Williams 10:25:34 | Luke Pryor 11:58:39 | Michael Bray 11:59:15 |
Committee updates
The AURA committee meets every month to discuss a variety of matters. Some subjects are quite mundane (such as finances, insurance renewals etc), but we also spend a lot of time discussing ways to keep AURA relevant and move the association forward. This includes looking at ways to improve member benefits, enhance our International team representation & build relationships with other bodies such as Athletics Australia. Over the past 18 months, we’ve been working with AURA membership groups to develop new policies to cover subjects such as event safety, state representation and annual awards. We are always looking for ideas for improvements, and we do discuss all member feedback (both good and bad). I’d encourage you to reach out to a member of the committee if you have any questions, ideas or feedback ; our phone numbers and email addresses are listed on the contacts page. We’d love to hear from you!